The news of the project
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April 29-30, 2019 on the basis of the bologna club with the support of the DSTU (Don State Technical University) was held an International seminar in the framework of ERASMUS+ project “University - enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network” (UNISON)
The event was attended by representatives of partner universities from Spain, Portugal, China, Russia and Georgia. From MIIGAiK this event was attended by: Sushkova Ekaterina and Niyazova Yulia.
The UNISON project aims to strengthen cooperation between the university and the enterprise through the creation of network interaction of spin-off companies using the best European practices as an example.
As part of the organizational meeting on the UNISON project, the consortium representatives discussed the following issues:
- monitoring evaluation results of the project conducted by the Erasmus + National Office at PSU on March 25, 2019, as part of which an action plan was outlined to improve the progress of the project;
- analysis of the annual report on ensuring the quality of the project, a proposal to improve the current state;
- external assessment of the quality to ensure the best results of the project;
- discussion of partners reports on the progress of activities within the framework of the dissemination
- discussion of the activities of spin-off companies in the framework of the project, a description of their activities and potential benefits;
-negotiations on the approval of the date of the final conference on the basis of the High Technology Zone of Yantai (China).
From 25 to 27 April 2019 on the basis of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics was held a regular meeting of the consortium members in the framework of ERASMUS+ project “University - enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network” (UNISON)
This meeting was held as part of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: "Modern Management: Problems and Prospects."
On the first day of the meeting, participants were invited to take part in plenary and breakout sessions, discussions on the following topics: "Modern management: problems and solutions"; “The impact of digitalization on the quality of life with a position of sustainable economic development”, “State management of territorial development at the present stage”.
From MIIGAiK took an active part in the meeting: Shevchuk Anrey, Niyazova Yulia, Sushkova Ekaterina.
In this meeting from MIIGAiK participated the specialist of International cooperation Department - Myrsalieva Aliya.
On 22 September, 2018, the Georgia Science and Innovation Festival at Tbilisi State University was held as a part of events celebrating the 100th anniversary. Various scientific activities were organized in the form of interactive space to get acquainted with the achievements of Georgian and foreign researchers.
On 24 September, 2018, during the Quality meeting at TSU representatives from Spain, Germany, Portugal, Russia, Georgia and China discussed the outputs of the project. Partners from Tbilisi State University (Georgia), Telavi State University named after Jacob Gogebashvili (Georgia) and Nizhnevartovsk State University (Russia) gave presentations of virtual platform models establishment. The platform is going to become an effective mechanism for cooperation of spin-off companies, sharing their experience and potential partners searching. Partners from Fachhochschule des Mittelstads (Germany) presented spin-off establishment manual (SOM). DSTU team announced an updated version of the project website, one of the main tool for the project results dissemination and promotion.
On 25 September, 2018, in the framework of the project management meeting at Telavi State University the international consortium discussed further activities in the project implementation and promotion. At the end of the meeting a project road map was approved.
Coordination meeting was held at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on 10-13 June 2018. The meeting was held in the framework of project ERASMUS + "Development of University-Enterprise Cooperation via spin-off companies network" (UNISON).
In this meeting from MIIGAiK participated Myrsalieva Aliya, Kamynina Nadezda and Dymnyi Sergei. The participants of the meeting were members of the UNISON project consortium from Spain, Germany, Portugal, Georgia, Russia and China.
This year, the participants conducted an in-depth study of implementation and realization the spin-off model in the framework of the foreign universities experience and discussed guidelines for supporting spin-off companies. At this meeting, representatives of partner universities provided reports of work packages results and the methodological component of the project was analyzed. Work was carried out on the development and analysis of the road map, which provides ways of developing the facilities taking into account possible options for achieving the desired result.
Of no less importance is the fact that the meeting contributed to further active development and cooperation between international partners.
The final seminar was held on 27 to 29 November 2017 in Santiago de Compostela. The aim of the meeting was to get acquainted with the European experience of creating an enabling environment of spin-off companies. The meeting was held in the framework of project ERASMUS + Project № 573555 "Development of University-Enterprise Cooperation via spin-off companies network". From MIIGAiK participate Olga Valueva, Andrey Shevchuk, Anton Bystrov.
The main objective of the seminar was to familiarise participants with created in the university to launch spin-off companies, to analyze the main problems arising at the stage of launching this type of companies, as well as to get acquainted with the experienced and newly established spin-off companies.
As an introductory part of the seminar, was presented information about the overall university system that allows supporting not only the creation of new scientific and technical developments, but also the creation of teams involved into the business projects. The main components of these systems are: advanced material and technical support, mandatory presence of project activity in the educational process, introduction to business management, and also strong governmental support.
The seminar was held in the center for the creation and support of spin-off companies. This is a unique place where located the center that provides support to the spin-off of companies, starting of registration of intellectual property, definition of the concept and the search of funds, industrial partners and assistance in launching the product. Part of spin-off companies are located at the same building as well as the venture fund UNIRISCO, investing to them. Due to this close neighborhood in the University of Santiago, has been created an ecosystem for the effective formation and development of spin-off companies.
During the seminar was foreseeing meetings with spin-off companies. The special attention was paid to companies that have activities close to MIIGAiK profile. Spin-off company AYeconomics provides economic analysis on the basis of spacing, Situm develops indoor navigation technologies and 3edata company is making an aerial photography with UAVs for monitoring forests and agricultural lands from campus in Lugo. The important aspects of launching these spin-offs are extensional investment support, expected capitalization in 5-6 years and a transparent system of interaction with the university with deductions of 7-10% of the profits.
The experience gained during the workshop is extremely useful for the project implementation. At the same time, the undoubted advantage of the seminar is the close interaction between participants, which allows effectively solve problems not only in the frame of the project, but also to develop scientific and educational cooperation between universities.
In the frame of ERASMUS + project No. 573555 "Development of University-Enterprise Cooperation via spin-off companies network" were planned three study meetings that should allow the consortium members to learn more about the formation and activities of spin-off companies. The first meeting took place from 05 to 07 July 2017 at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal). The second meeting took place on October 16-20, 2017 in Berlin, at the University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM, Berlin).
In this meeting took part the representatives of Russian, Georgian, Chinese universities. From MIIGAiK, the meeting was attended by a specialist of the international programs department - Aliya Myrsalieva.
The program of the seminar included presentations of German companies on cooperation between universities. In addition, the training included visits to specialized companies in order to see the work of enterprises and universities. Participants visited companies such as Siemens, the Adlershof Technology Center and Start-up incubator. During the enterprises visit the it was interesting to see and understand the action plan of enterprises and universities, as well as their interest in joint activities with science. It is important to understand that enterprises need scientific innovation, and graduates of higher education institutions satisfy this requirement.
In Germany, the spin-offs companies are partially supported by government that gives more opportunities for the development. The activities of spin-off companies are aimed at developing existing project, as well as supporting start-ups. During the training, some start-ups were presented, which are supported by the Adlershof Technology Center. And thanks to this it becomes obvious that joint activity between universities and enterprises brings positive and profitable results to both sides.
As a result of the training, steps were taken to create spin-off companies in partner countries of the project. The third meeting will be held from 27 to 29 November 2017 in the premises of project coordinators, the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
In the frame of the project No. 573555 "Development of University-Enterprise Cooperation via spin-off companies network", was held the second project meeting on July 05 to July 07, 2017 on the basis of Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal). Representatives from MIIGAiK took part in this meeting: Head of Department of International Educational Programs - I.V. Ponomareva, Dean of Optical Information Systems and Technologies - I.P. Torshina and deputy dean of Humanitarian Faculty - T.Y. Mashkova. The three days event agenda was planned in a way that participants from Russia, Georgia and China could see the mechanisms of work, support and promotion of spin-off companies by the Universities of Portugal.
Among the invited experts were representatives of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, the Institute of Pedro Nunes, University of Aveiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, as well as entrepreneurs, scientists and heads of various spin-off companies.
Participants visited the Institute of Pedro Nunes and BIOCANT Center for Biotechnology (Cantanhede city) to realize how operates the model of «University-Enterprise» cooperation in Portugal. This model is aimed at supporting the scientific research by Universities and bringing them to the industrial level through creation and promotion of spin-off companies that in turn should bring technologies to the market to create an environment for the development of universities. The obtained experience was fruitful for further project realization and helped in tasks and planning of steps of spin-off companies creation.
Representatives of MIIGAiK took part in the first meeting of ERASMUS + project “Development of University-Enterprise Cooperation via spin-off companies network" (UNISON) that was held on February 13-14, 2017 in the premises of University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) – coordinator of the project.
The kick off meeting was aimed to introduce partner universities and their project teams, learning of European colleague’s experience, discussing objectives of the project and their successful implementation, distribution of working packages between consortium participants. At the end of the meeting was prepared minutes.
The involvement of representatives from universities of Germany, Portugal and Spain gave possibility to learn more about their practices in the field of innovative development of small enterprises on the basis of Universities. The participants from Georgia and China emphasized that their Universities would be a unique platform for project implementation.
Thanks to this fruitful meeting, a road map was approved for the entire duration of the project and set up positive start for further activities.