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Establishment of basic geodetis networks

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Photogrammetric data processing obtained by spacecrafts (SC) in the different missions, allows you build a geodetic reference networks for small celestial bodies of the Solar system. As a result of processing stereo images were created new support network for Phobos, IO, Enceladus. By its parameters (dimensions, precision) they are superior to the previous build and could serve as the basis for modeling of figures and data fields of the celestial bodies, the generation of digital elevation models (Dems). Also as a result of the adjustment of networks were obtained clarified the elements of orientation of images is used, which is an important fact for future use (to build orthomosaic, Refine orbits and SPACECRAFT navigation, etc).

Phobos Model (satellite of Mars), obtained by MExLab built in support network

Phobos Model (satellite of Mars), obtained by MExLab built in support network

The distribution of points and error control network of Phobos

The distribution of points and error control network of Phobos

3D model of Enceladus (a moon of Saturn) with the control network, built in MExLab

3D model of Enceladus (a moon of Saturn) with the control network, built in MExLab

The distribution of points and error control network of Enceladus

The distribution of points and error control network of Enceladus

3D model of IO (moon of Jupiter) with the control network, built in MExLab

3D model of IO (moon of Jupiter) with the control network, built in MExLab

The distribution of points in a control network for IO and errors

The distribution of points in a control network for IO and errors. Color zoning was carried out orthomosaic resolution images.