Phobos cartography
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To Phobos mapping there are applied modern remote sensing data obtained by the European Space Agency's «Mars Express» spacecraft surveying that covers about 84 % of its surface. The American «Viking Orbiter» spacecraft data are used to fill out the gaps in the coverage. From these data processing results, a new control point network and the parameters of Phobos' figure as well as a global digital elevation model and orthomosaic have been calculated. These data are being applied to creating the GIS "Phobos" with formation of vector layers describing geomorphological objects on the surface of the Martian moon (craters, grooves). The digitizing in GIS of orthoimages has enabled a Catalogue of Craters to be compiled, which has permitted of a quantitative estimate of the global craters distribution on the Phobos surface by cartographic methods. Based on "Phobos" GIS we have developed a Geo-portal, which allows the science community to conveniently search for, analyze, and download data of interest from our system. Additionally we provide access to color electronic maps (e-maps) with support for layers based on results of Phobos spatial analyses in GIS.
List of Phobos e-maps:
1. Phobos topographic map (Simple cylindrical projection)
2. Phobos crater distribution map (Simple cylindrical projection)
3. Phobos surface gravity potential map (Simple cylindrical projection)
4. Phobos dynamic heights map (Simple cylindrical projection)
5. Phobos equatorial area map (modified Bugaevskiy projection)
6. Phobos map of crater density (Mollweide projection)
7. Footprints of orthoimages used for new Phobos global mosaic
For supporting the Project "Phobos-Grunt", an assessment of the landing site candidates of the mission has been made with the use of GIS-technologies. Various information products have been created, including maps of crater size-density distribution and calculation of cumulative crater density, calculation of surface roughness, identification with definition of crater types and geomorphology. The obtained results can be used for preparing the new Russian mission "Phobos-Grunt", which is planned in 2022.
"Landing Sites of the "Phobos-Grunt" Mission" - the layout map