Basic science 2030

The range of research activities carried out at MIIGAiK is based on obtaining new knowledge about the laws of the structure, functioning and development of the Earth and other spatial objects. The results of the university's scientific activities contribute to the sustainable scientific-technological and socio-economic development of the country, providing scientific leadership in the world scientific agenda for the long term.
The research is carried out in the Earth Sciences and Technical Sciences. Main directions:
1. Preparation and analysis of geological and geochemical maps of Venus, Mars and the Moon, development of proposals for the development of the Moon and the creation of lunar infrastructure.
2. Fundamental complex studies of processes occurring in the depths of the mantle, interaction of the crust and mantle, mantle and core, development and application of methods for ground and satellite monitoring of active geodynamic processes (earthquakes, volcanism, landslides, karsts, tsunamis, avalanches, etc.), improvement of methods for studying and modeling these processes.
3. Development of fundamental principles, methods and technologies for the analysis of large arrays of ground-based and satellite geological and geophysical, geographical and geodetic data using system analysis, mathematical modeling, digital mapping, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Industry research areas:
- Development of ground-based observation systems, including geophysical networks.
- Geophysical methods for studying the structure, material composition of the earth's interior and deep processes; interaction of geospheres.
- Mathematical modeling of geodynamic processes.
- Formation and evolution of extraterrestrial matter, the Moon, planets and small bodies of the Solar system.
- Development of methods for monitoring dangerous technogenic processes; ensuring safe mining operations.
- Creation of methods, technologies and equipment for atmospheric and ionospheric research.
- Risk assessment of hazardous natural processes and extreme natural phenomena.
- Development of equipment and methods for remote sensing of the Earth, including new measurement and data processing systems.
- Complex interpretation of geological and geophysical data.
- Cartography and geoinformatics; geoinformation technologies, including artificial intelligence methods and numerical modeling.
- New-generation geotechnologies for receiving, processing, and transmitting exabyte volumes of data.
- Improving the mechanisms of Earth exploration by methods of space geodesy.
- Intersectoral research areas:
- Algorithms and software systems in space monitoring of the Earth and ecology.
- Network support for science and education, structuring and visualizing big data in science and education.
- Architecture, system solutions, software, standardization and information security of information and computing systems.
- Data management.
- Mathematical foundations of methods of processing and intelligent (including deep) data analysis for individual application areas and areas.
- Modeling of the environment, including the Far North, and ensuring the connectivity of the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Modeling in the creation of industrial production, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials, nuclear energy, robotics and computer technology.
- Research in the field of modern optics, photonics and laser physics.
- New technologies for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.